A child’s academic success depends on a dynamic partnership between home and school.

Research reflects that a school's educational quality improves substantially with increased parent engagement. The Lorien Wood Parental Service Distinctive explains why we value parents as active participants in the school and how we create unique ways to support that participation. Lorien Wood parents actively participate in the education of their children and the life of the school, serving the community in a variety of ways.

Parents serve the community by giving their time & talent to the school.

Parents are needed to serve as library assistants, lunch and recess monitors, and drop-off and pick-up supervisors. Regular fulfillment of one of these roles makes a substantial impact on the life of the school. For some this might mean helping to organize a baseball game at recess or joining the prayer group; for others, this might be sharing their experience living abroad with a class studying South America, playing an instrument at school opening, chaperoning a field trip, or coordinating a school festival.

While regular fulfillment of parental service is no longer a requirement for every parent, families are able to gain tuition credit if they commit to serving the school 70 hours a year. Parents who choose not to receive parental service credit are still highly encouraged to volunteer when they are available as part of our parental service distinctive! 

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