Lynnette Fields

Lynnette Fields has been a member of the Lorien Wood faculty for 15 years.As the Dean of Academics and a Form 5 (High School) teacher, Mrs. Fields relishes discovering new learning experiences to incorporate into the Lorien Wood curriculum.

Book list for High school

2 min read

Compelling Leisure Reads for High Schoolers

Lorien Wood’s integral education continues into the high school years. Our literature choices reflect the time periods and concepts our students are learning about in Humanities class and beyond! While we require our students to read a robust...

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students planting seeds

2 min read

Sowing Seeds of Learning: Gardening at Lorien Wood School

“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to...

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students walking to the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

3 min read

10 Exciting Field Trip Destinations: Exploring Beyond the Classroom at Lorien Wood

Embarking on exciting field trips is a hallmark of the Lorien Wood experience. As a private school in Northern Virginia, we are aptly located to...

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