Tacye Clarke

Tacye Clarke has been the Lead Teacher for Middle School at Lorien Wood for 12 years. She helped develop the Humanities curriculum for Form 4 and Form 6. Mrs. Clarke loves to create immersive experiences for her students that transport them to other times and places.

stack of books

1 min read

5 Books to Inspire Your Middle Schooler!

At Lorien Wood, we value good books and encourage our students to develop a reading life of their own. In Form 4 (7th & 8th grade), students do a deep dive into the history of the world and enter imaginatively into the lives of people in other times...

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students at the historic ball

2 min read

Stepping Back in Time: The Lorien Wood Historic Ball

Step into the past with our middle and high school students as they recently participated in the Lorien Wood Historic Ball at the enchanting Old Town...

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